Everything about the original Exorcist was a refreshing change in the world of Horror movies and slasher flicks. Before the Exorcist, most of the movies depended on deaths, slashes and kills of integral and unintegral characters to send the point across to the viewer. The Exorcist was one of the first movies to use sequences and situations to put across the fact that the situation was indeed completely jacked up.
Another important aspect of the movie was the titular music. As far as I am concerned, it is the best music that I have heard in a horror movie. As OMG Horror puts it, this is truly stunning stuff.
So great was this theme, that it inspired a Bollywood thriller movie, that was quite ahead of its time. To check for yourself:
This brings us to the quite eerie and frightening Friday the 13th movie theme, which had the cult 'ki ki ki ma ma ma' as a background. What's interesting about this music is that it actually gives a cue to the viewer as to when something nasty is gonna happen on the screen, and when that happens, it only creates a dread/wish for the music to come back again!Another great piece of work here.
When it comes to Latin chants in a Horror theme, we will never forget The Omen, the original movie that began the Christ/Satan thought. While the thought itself was terrifying enough, they had to create this themesong to make it awesomer:
When it comes to Latin chants in a Horror theme, we will never forget The Omen, the original movie that began the Christ/Satan thought. While the thought itself was terrifying enough, they had to create this themesong to make it awesomer:
Before I have my one and a half fans tearing down my front door in a haze of 'How Come no Psycho', I have to say that I keep Psycho a bit down on the list simply because the music has become so commonplace that it is actually a shame. But even so, you cannot disagree that this is one of the most adrenaline pumping scores in a horror movie: